to be fucked, get layed, or some other sexual meaning
I rinsed that fucking bitch ass ex girlfriend of mine last week, I rinsed her good!
by Barber August 5, 2004
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To "rinses" is to cum inside of the anus of your male / female partner and "rinse" the interior of their anus with cum.
Man, I loved it when I rinse inside of Josh K's anus. I love the feeling of rinses.
by B-Rad y0' June 13, 2008
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To go fast, use to the extreme, fall over, be stoned, be tired, be pissed.
I'm rinsed!!!

I got in my car and went rinsing up the street at 80.

I rinsed my leg out on that stump over there.

I've rinsed the fock out of this pen, I need a new one.
by Parny B February 12, 2004
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When you're doing it and you're both sweating so much you feel like you got a nice rinse. Rinsing refers to aggressive sexual activity that makes you sweat.
Girl: I can't wait to get rinsed by the bc beach boys tonight.
Friend: Ah, I need a man to rinse my socks off.
by Bc Beach November 6, 2018
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If somebody rinses you, or you have been rinsed, it means that you have been jacked.

i got rinsed today blud!
Why did you rinse dat bre?
by terror G October 11, 2005
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To clean up after a hair cut or shape shape, or to shower for the day.
I woke up this morning and realized my girl was there so i went to get rinse rinse so i'd smell good for her.
by Andy Work October 24, 2005
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