There are people who consider themselves pro-life. They are eager to stand and scream in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic (harassing women going in for Pap smears but not actually stopping even one abortion). However, they don't seem the least bit interested in opposing war or capital punishment (which would really save lives).

They also seem uninterested in addressing rape, incest, poverty, economic and social injustice, lack of access to adequate nutrition, lack of access to adequate health care, or sexual ignorance -- all of which are factors that drive the rate of abortion.

This leads outside observers to the conclusion that such people are more interested in being seen to be publicly righteous than in actually furthering the values they claim to uphold. I tell you, they have their reward.
"You hear Ms. Catholic over there calling for that guy to be executed?" -- "Yeah, she's totally pseudo pro-life. Consistent ethic of life, my ass."
by DancingKali August 13, 2011
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When someone expresses how much they claim to value human life by... wait for it... taking a human life. After all, what could be more pro-life than murdering someone?
Paul Jennings Hill was executed for the pro-life murder of Dr. John Britton.
by D12434132 January 7, 2022
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A vastly misunderstood definition. People who have actually taken middle school biology and passed the embryology unit. People who can name the seven characteristics of any living thing. Lastly, people who have enough common sense to apply that knowledge to real life observations.
Protestor: my body my choice!
Pro-lifer: the baby’s body is not your body. *points to your local library* go read a biology textbook bandwagoner.
by stellar_mushroom July 20, 2022
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The way to say to Democrats that think its ok to kill human lives!
Also the way of getting yourself closer to God and believing in Him.
Mike-"Hi i'm Mike, I'm pro-life and like America."
Crazy Democrat-" Well that is the most racist thing I've ever heard"
Mike-" Ok, go burn in Hell and see the wrath of God!"
Crazy Democrat-" This country sucks fuck you!"
Mike-" Then move out of the fucking country!"
by YOUR MOMS A GUY July 15, 2022
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