Etymology: A character in Scott Adams' Dilbert comic strip

(n) a clueless boss, esp. one that has been over-promoted and uses a lot of meaningless corporate buzzwords
My pointy-haired boss just told me I need to make a paradigm of strategizing my primary action items, just because I forgot to use the new cover sheet on the TPS reports.
by BeardedFatass January 12, 2004
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A penis that is pointy like a shiv, shaped like a rocket and delivered with military precision in a prison style blitz attack on your private parts. A moderately disturbing succession of short shallow jabs to your lady bits.
He stuck me with his pointy rocket penis as if perpetrating a gang style prison hit with a hand carved tool designed for minimal penetration and pleasure.
by Lady Rock 'n Roll January 1, 2017
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The most important feature on a woman. If a woman has pointy elbows it throws off her entire look. It can make or brake her. It will turn off even the worst internet virgins.
John: Hey brah check out this hot girl right here!
Adam: Man, have you seen her elbows? Would not hit it!
John: Damn you're right brah, elbows too pointy.
by BurgerPimp07 March 29, 2009
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When you simultaneously have a wank while sticking you finger up your bum then proceed to point the shit covered finger at surrounding people.
"Just had a pointy bum wank in asda"

"Who at?"

"The man who was baking cookies"
by its as easy as 123 October 9, 2016
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scientific name: Brennan Taylor

Silly rabbits that hop around sniffing the air with pointy ears. Not to be confused with the super cute floppy earred rabbits.
What a cute floppy earred rabbit! oh wait, never mind. It's just a pointy earred rabbit or a brennan taylor.
by woooobbuffet! March 31, 2013
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A sociopathic boss that is also the most inept, stupid human being alive.
Dilbert is managed by a Pointy Haired Boss.
by Colin Ritter August 6, 2003
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After blinding your partner with multi led flashlight, which incase you didn't know, is bright as fuck and can be purchased at any walmart or walgreens, you bend them over and have rough anal sex, without any lubricant whatsoever, then continue to cum wherever you choose.
my wife was cleaning our closet so i called her name and when she came over, we performed a pointy lamppost. that shit was well worth the divorce.
by idropkickhelicopters August 16, 2011
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