A bad pizza . . . one that springs something on you unexpectedly like an unusual ingredient . . maybe bull's penis but more often something you don't like. . . .
"Aaaargh! It's got pickles! I didn't order pickles! What a pizzle!"
by Sieffe July 9, 2004
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slang word for Fells Point, an area in Baltimore City known for its many bars and night life
Sorry I couldn't make it tonight, I decided ladies night at a bar in Fells Pizzle would be more fun.
by Gallowayknowsbest December 15, 2011
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"Yo son, ima bout to pizzle in yo eyes, and my pizzle is purpizzle and tyedye dizzle pizzle fo' shizzle!!"
by TISPE November 19, 2004
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Of or pertaining to pills or rolls.
Can I have a pill my nigger.
"Lemme get a pizzle nizzle"
by Spreg spreggin March 19, 2004
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adj. Excessively bossed around by a boyfriend or husband; overly submissive to a male
"That biatch is so pizzle-whapped that she won't even go to the bathroom without checking with her boyfriend!!"
by Ojay Krunk March 19, 2004
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A Pizzle Rat is a name given to a dirt ball piece of garbage that hails from Port St. Lucie Florida. Not all Port St. Lucie residents are Pizzle rats. Pizzle Rats include, but are not limited too; dirt balls, hip gun toting wannabe gangsters, jigaboos (not to be confused with blacks), mud sharks, and retarded douchebags that try to pimp their piece of shit 1990 ford mustang and attempt to pass it off as a maserati.
me-"look at that guy standing on the side of the road with the cash for gold sign."

friend- "he looks like a cocaine cowboy that just stepped out of the 80's."

me- "it's to be expected... dudes definitely a Pizzle Rat."
by SoundAdvice September 22, 2009
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weed, pot, mary J, dope
"yo, want some pizzle"

"sure nigga lets go smoke"
by Geoff March 30, 2004
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