An attempt by "jocks" to be innovative and use an old word to slander and put down someone who is weaker than they are or something which is not up to their standards. Commonly used by nigger ranney.
"You have such a small dick, what a pin"
"I only bought 4 new golf clubs" "Oh thats pin"


"Your a pin"
by A fast black man February 9, 2005
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Verb: to accelerate a vehicle as much as possible.
Some cars/trucks had small pins that would prevent the needle/indicator from going past the end of the speedometer.
To push the vehicle until the needle hit the pin.
We're late, yer gonna have to pin it!!
by Reginald Dunlop October 1, 2004
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A needle, or syringe used in the shooting of various things i.e. heroin, cocaine
"Yo son go to CVS and pick me up a pack of pins yo"
by Jizza420 October 11, 2008
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noun a man or boy who is effiminate, nerdy or uncool
verb (used with out) to cop out; wimp out; fail to live up to an engagement
That guy is a total pin for bringing a laptop to the poker table. Only a pin would show up to a cowboy bar wearing wingtips and sporting a Beemer. Don't pin out on me, dude, you promised you would meet this new chick at the dance hall tonite!!
by Jon64Bailey December 17, 2007
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A solid insult that no come-back can ever afford to combat.
"Yo man, you white as white itself!"
"you pin!"
"flip son! You owned me there!"
by C-Lub Ndawg January 6, 2005
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