a rather small person who has a camp look to him, very rich and feeble
this person seems to be called grant and therefor the letters pG stand for princess grant
a camp site or pink shirted person
by Steven Beven December 22, 2004
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The movie rating that is allowed to show massive amounts of people getting killed but is not allowed to say a word we all hear every single day, more than once.
Using this logic, a video of a person stabbing someone would be PG-13 and an average conversation with your friends would be rated R? Doesn't anyone else think that is at least a little weird?
by Dubiks December 1, 2018
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A new code for Black empowerment.

PG: Praise Garvey (Marcus Garvey)

13 Words: "Unity Is Key, And We Must Be Self Determined By Any Means Necessary".

Although this code may sound similar to the 14/88 Nazi code, it advocates for something positive, which is the upliftment of a group of people who historically have been disenfranchised, and are still dealing with a lot of discrimination/mistreatment to this day. 14/88, on the other hand, promotes the false conspiracy theory of "white genocide", and was created by a fear mongering, racist Nazi scumbag.
"PG/13 that's the movement".
by IBTAL September 28, 2019
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A new code for Black empowerment.

PG: Praise Garvey (Marcus Garvey)

13 Words: "Unity Is Key, And We Must Be Self Determined By Any Means Necessary".
"PG/13 that's the movement".
by IBTAL September 27, 2019
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A movie rating for films they add a few "oh, shits" to so it will appeal to pre-adolescents.
Say shit a few times, Manny, so this flick won't be G-rated.
by octopod November 24, 2003
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A U.S television rating given to many shows, meaning parental guidance is suggested for people under 10. It's the same as MPAA's PG rating. The other ratings are TV-Y, TV-G, TV-Y7, TV-14, and TV-MA.
Brandy: Hey want to watch this dragon movie on FX?
Bob: What's it rated?
Brandy: TV-PG.
Bob: Fuck off.
by OreganKicker June 29, 2012
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Something too risque for young children.
The bra section of the clothing store is too PG-13 for six-year old Billy.
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