a person of low importance

someone to continueosly make fun of

someone who does eveything for everyone else
shelby was the pee on for her many friends
by john albert franklin September 1, 2008
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The stuff that comes out when me and my freind are sled riding and there is no bathroom available to poop or pee in. (see poop. there are to many deffinitoins for any sane person)
There are many more definitions for poop than for pee.
by anonymous September 30, 2003
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1. The act of your weewee/vagina leeking.
2. Sometimes forced act of urinating.
I am peeing on your leg.

Bobby can't stop peeing his pants.

She is peeing abnormally.
by CJDJ September 12, 2005
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A warm yellow liquid that's released through the body's urethra
Jake : Ahhhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh!
Kiersten : Oh yeah you like it when I rub your cock don't you!
Jake : Yeah baby and it makes me hard!
Kiersten : Are you going to cum for me baby? Huh! Huh!
Jake : Where do you want it your pussy or mouth?
Jake : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Kiersten : Damn't Jake I told you to cum on me not Pee! Crap! Crap! Crap!
Jake : Sorry I had to go please forgive me!
Kiersten : Oh baby you know I will now make love to me!
Jake : Yeah right you smell like Pee!
Kiersten : It's your fuckin Pee! FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!
by SlopNChop October 31, 2017
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noun: a liquid waste that is given off as a result of the kidneys cleaning toxins in the blood; the color can range from dark yellow to clear

verb: To excrete this fluid
tenses: pee, peeing, peed, pees

also called, urine, piss
My little brother thinks it's funny to pee on the floor

by MSoct868 October 27, 2006
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the wet sentsation that comes from between your legs when your friend says something really funny and your bladder is full.
HAHAHAHA.. oh shit man, i juss peed
by samantha irene stanton December 30, 2008
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to urinate (see also piss, whiz)
He had to pee so badly, he was in pain.
by Light Joker December 17, 2004
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