If they find ODers/Online daters they will stop them and if they don't stop they start shooting and its a mess but funny.
ODer1: mwa mwa mwa
ODer2: mwa mwa mwa
ODer police: STOP NOW
ODer Police: ~shots them~
Both ODers: AAAAAAAA ~dies~
ODer police: NO ONLINE DATING!!!!
by ドリームクラウド December 17, 2020
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When ones' ball sack is sweaty and smelly from ass moisture collecting in and around the taint.
I nearly gagged from my choder Oder when I sat down to take a shit.
by vaginal huberus October 24, 2014
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A bunch of 11 year old kids who are still in 5th grade and barely know how to multiply on Roblox asking random dudes to eat them out, or boys trying to get girls. Or basically naive children exploiting themselves and sending nudes to public online chatrooms, dating people years older than them, and have no problem talking to perverts
"Damn, these ODers online are so annoying!"
by Angelise9272 September 11, 2020
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They say "Ex or Bichler" to someone who has some kind of alcohol in their hand so that he / she drinks the whole drink / bottle straight away. If he / she doesn't do that, you can insult him / her as a Bichler
Hey, Lorenz! Ex oder Bichler?
Hey, Simon! Ex oder Bichler?
Ey, Ex oder Bichler?
Ex oder Bichler?
by RaveJunior January 10, 2022
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when a chicks pussy smells so bad you can smell it in the room
shit grace you have a pussy oder wagon
by natgar April 21, 2011
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Definition: Mrfunnyguy300
Stop being a oder funny tryhard
by Mrfunnyguy10 November 1, 2020
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Now this game on ROBLOX is terrible. It's for the stupid ODers who have no education and have no care in the world where their life is heading.

These people mostly sit in the spawn not following the actual point of the game 'High School' which is to go to school and go into class, They use terrible language like when trying to type "Bitch" they put "Bxtch" and "Fq u", really cringe stuff.

They will not give a care in the world for other players unless they have the style, that most of them wear, if you're new to the game and have the Pal Hair on they will most likely call you "Bacon Hair".

Now in this game there is a gear you can purchase called the Boombox,
They will most likely play the "Gangster" "I'm so rich" songs that you hear nowadays, like Drake and stuff , these kids have no education and are very cancerous stupid children.

The words Oreo and Cookies.

Now this is the ultimate cringe, this is really really bad, in the game you can have a Roleplay description that tells you something about your character and 60% of the time all ODer's will have "Oreo dealer" or "Cookie dealer" and sometimes even "Nutella Dealer" Now i was seeing this stuff in 2015 so these must be new ODers that are still catching on to their new ODer style.

Basically don't play ROBLOX High School if you don't want to see a bunch of kids that ruined Roblox drifting it away from the fun building game it used to be.
R.I.P ROBLOX 2004-2014
ROBLOX High School Home of the ODers.

ODer 1:"Hoi Besh how much robux did ya parents buy ya?!"

Oder 2:"Aww yeah i got 5000 robux and obc."

New player: "hi can we be friends?"

Oder 1: "No Bacon Hair besh go and kill yoursxlf"

Oder2: "Wow you are poor you dont have robux nuuu"

(robux is roblox currency)
by Some Plonker April 11, 2017
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