first and foremost i would like to inform eveyone out ther that nizzle means NIGGER!! not friend or buddy but in fact NIGGER!! SO I WOULD LIKE TO WARN ALL OF YOU TO PLEASE USE THIS VERY SENSITIVE WORD WITH CARE!!! secondly I would like to tell all of the caucasians who have used this word that you are way out of line and to please step back into that very comfortable place that you have created for yourseleves. and last but not least nigga, nigger, nizzle, or any other form of the word does not mean AFRICAN-AMERICAN, but instead a stupid ignorant fool (don't believe me look it up your damn selves!!!!)
what's up my NIZZLE!! said one african- american to another!!

that's right we can say it to each other but nobody else can!!!!!!!!!!!!1
by brown_skin_lady June 22, 2004
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A Nigger from Africa that was a slave in the south/Black homie
by travis February 28, 2005
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Condition characterized by swollen nipples caused my severe friction with one's shirt and lactation.
Fo shizzle my nizzle, Lukes nizzles! SSS SSS SSS
by BNKTOP January 24, 2012
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Masturbatory term.

See also:
stroking the sausage
slapping the meat
petting the weasel
spanking the monkey
flogging the dolphin
tickling the pickle
whacking the mole
playing the skin flute
cream-filling the donut
"I can't stand to see him shizzling the nizzle."
by Dean March 25, 2005
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Any black person who likes rap music (especially gangsta rap) and/or is part of the black gang youth culture.
It's a pun that utilizes the fact that shizzle can mean "shit" as well as "sure". So while to some "shizzle nizzle" describes somebody who says "for shizzle my nizzle", it actually means "that fuckin idiot of a shit nigger".
Erwin is a fuckin shizzle nizzle.
by bumarse October 25, 2009
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