a movie that i personally enjoyed for its oddball humor.

a movie that some people hate just because a lot of buttholes quote it all the time and just because it's popular. hating napoleon dynamite just because a lot of other people like it is a bad reason to hate it. it's like hating peanut butter or jelly just because it's popular.
i watched napoleon dynamite and thought it was funny and a good movie overall. if you don't like my opinion, tough luck.
by i swear to god i'm not drunk December 29, 2005
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Someone who is literally the smartest person around but everyone hates em.
Retroity muted Napoleon Cheems for Spam
by Jsiskahissis October 15, 2020
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a movie that was actually good before all of the trend following whiney teens and pre-teens started misquoting it. even though they said it sucked when it came out in theaters, they still seem to have the need to watch it 4 billion times and STILL misquote it every 5 minutes. this movie also fell prey to hot topic even though it doesnt really keep in with their emo loserness theme.
person 1: yea i saw napolean dynamite, it was pretty good

person 2: OMG i LUVVVV that freakin movie lolololol GOSH!!

person 1: if you ever do that again, i will bitchslap you


person one: {slap} thats not even the right line, you fucking loser!
by steve88 February 19, 2005
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A short person who feels inferior because of their size. They tend to take it out on other people and thrive on power trips. Shouting at others, especially when they are in a position of power, is common. Side affects include short temper, power trips/power-hungriness, anger issues, and often a bad sense of humor.
Mr. Weissman (Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) has the biggest Napoleon Complex ever...well, almost. He's the perfect example. Ask any of his students.
by imaveghead25 October 19, 2008
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A French emperor who was a great military commander. He conquered most of Europe, then he was forced into exile, where he died.
He was a short, dead dude, to be blunt.
Bonaparte was never blown apart.
by Dark Chaos August 20, 2004
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A man vaginally penetrates one woman while orally performing upon a second woman. The two women engage in sexplay from the waist up.
"That guys loves to wear Napoleon's Hat with as many ladies as possible"
by DeadlyDave June 5, 2006
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Short, Cocky, Hot tempered, arrogant, ignorant, attention whore, Especially when In a position of power.
PFC Douglas Eckert USMC has the worst case of Napoleon Complex i've ever seen .
by GP USMC October 26, 2009
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