a face, such as puppy dog eyes, but instead of this face, there is a smirk, and then half closed eyes,....you know what he wants.
A guy is either standing in front you or straddling you, with his dick to your lips, and he has his "suck my cock eyes" going, you're gonna do it.
by Thiswasafunnyazzconversation October 26, 2008
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Anything to do with your cock (fuck, suck, grab, punch, kick, etc.)
by The Other Mongoose November 14, 2008
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a new trick tony hawk does in his latest gayporno skate video.
"I dont want to watch any more god-damn skate videos! I wouldn't watch it even if he did a 900 to suck my cock!"
by PaulJar the Pornostar November 16, 2003
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An exclamatory phrase, often said when someone receives an L or something is excessively cringey.
"I honestly want to shoot my cock off, how the fuck did I lose my keys?"

"did you see this mans snapchat story? Shit was so bad I had to shoot my cock off."
by Gooch Spelunker February 16, 2017
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sucking a private part you dumb idiot
Hey girls suck my cock, it's big and juicy
by vcbfghntjrytegfsda December 20, 2019
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Another way of saying it doesn't bother you or affect you in any way.
In other words:
That's cool.
That ain't my problem.
That's not my concern.
I don't care.
A: Hey man, I ate all your fries while you were in the can.
B: That's no skin off my cock. Let's blow this joint and grab some beers!
A: Aight.
by LordCoitus September 2, 2015
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