To throw meat at some one or something. May sometimes be constued sexually.
In her essay, Julia wrote about the complex emotions that happen when two people meat each other for the first time. Her teacher was confused untill she explaned that "to meat" meant in that context the throwing of raw hamburger patties. Julia failed that class.
by Katchan October 13, 2009
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What you call that one freshman that you can never remember the name of.
by Dillon Rafferty February 24, 2008
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Someone who did something dumb or is known for doing dumb things.
Friend 1: haha Jake showed up to school on Sunday thinking it was Monday again.
Friend 2: I'm not surprised. He's a meat.
by webpapii May 30, 2015
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A word that can be added to the end of ANY noun to increase its ghettoness
If you don't shut up, I'm going to hit you in your mouthmeat!

He just left a mess on my deskmeat.

I just stubbed my toemeat!

I loves me some Shawnmeat :)
by tyleranne August 2, 2011
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to have sex with/put your penis in.
Me- I'd really like to meat Jessica Alba.
You- Which way do you mean?
Me- Well, I'd like to meet her, and then meat her.
by ipscg December 15, 2008
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A meeting with another guy in which you touch meatsticks; synonomous for gay sexual intercorse.
Gay Boy#1: dude wanna go in the bathroom for a quick meating?

by jewrock January 28, 2011
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1. Me Tarzan, you Jane, eat meat!
2. Me Pimp Daddy, you bitch, eat meat!
by Crackity Jones June 30, 2002
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