A guy you can always lean on when you have a bad day. He is very smart picks up on all the tips you put out for him when you need him.he doesn't seem to understand you need him everyday. He's very kind, sweet loves building houses and electrical work a lot of hobbys actually.
Lenny and I are getting very close and it scares me to be so soft with someone.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd October 23, 2019
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the small sexy kid that looks loike a hobbit from the lord of the rings hense the name lenny
hey lenny wot u up to u sexy bitch
by elmo July 9, 2002
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He is very, very gay. He also gets mad when he gets called cute and he gets really mad when he get called a meme.
“Who’s that?”

“That’s Lenny,”

Oooo, he’s so gay,”
by forevergirl702 April 8, 2020
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A name for a boy that is retarded and has red hair. Usually he has glasses and acts cool when he really isn't. Also likes to finger dogs.
Bro 1: Yo what's up I'm so cool
Bro 2: Nah bro you're a Lenny you stupid
by Nicksqug February 26, 2020
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Loved by all and absolutely amazing sticks up for u when u need him the most loved by the simultaneous fayline.

Love u grandad
Wow! Lenny is soooo handsome!
by L.Kerri December 16, 2017
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A euphemism for sexual intercourse.
The name itself stems from the "Lenny Face" meme, which has suggestive origins in it's own right.
Fred: Hey, Dave?
Dave: Yeah?
Fred: How did your date go, last night?
Dave: Oh, we chatted, had a couple of Drinks, and later, we ended up Lennying.
Fred: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dave: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
by norTnoJ December 6, 2016
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