What happens when little dicks grow big and strong? They come together and foster an environment where one day other dicks may do the same. We are an army throbbing to the beat of a different drum. Our only mission is to fill you up inside with the warm joy of friendship and in this ecstatic release we hope you rediscover the same passion we feel. With eyes on the future and a firm grip on the present D I C K S Q U A D stays both relative and innovative.
Friend 1: Hey did you hear about the argument with John and Victor?
Fellow member: Too bad their not in D I C K S Q U A D
by milk>cream March 20, 2014
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The art movement related to and used in the vaporwave music clips.
Dude, the a e s t h e t i c s of this S I M P S O N W A V E video is thicc.
by DSCH April 5, 2018
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"I have a big secret..."
"What is it?"
"Its a 'C' cret."
"For fucks sake it's a COCK!!!!!! A 'C' cret youngucking cunt!!!!"

I have a big c cret is usually associated with big cocks
by Stupid cock June 30, 2017
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D-Determination U-Unity N-Nutrition K-Knowledge A-Athleticism D-Defense E-Energy L-Leadership I-Intimidation C-Champion
The D-U-N-K-A-D-E-L-I-C is the blueprint to becoming a champion.
by Derrick E. Vaughan February 20, 2004
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A: Hey, remember when Steve Jobs almost died of Ligma and met Joe?
B: Who's Joe?
A: Josh eroding his mapping Macbook, but without the s,h,r,o,d,i,n,g,p,c and b
by DougDimmaDave January 2, 2022
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