The exact moment in time between when a person realizes that they are going to have diarrhea and that it is inevitable.

In physics, the event horizon is the "point of no return" in which an object is caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole.
I'm having an event horizon and need to find the bathroom.
by FerdinandLB July 30, 2011
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Sex that doesn't count because it happens so far away from one's home. ...Generally considered cheating, but justified as acceptable because it is beyond the common horizon.
| "Did you cheat?" "Naw, man. Just horizon sex. My girlfriend will never find out." |
by SecretlySexuallyTwisted September 19, 2010
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The transition area between gluteal cleft and buttock. An area that is not definitively crack or cheek.
A pubic louse in the in the butt-crack of murdered prostitute lying naked, face down, in the middle of the street at dusk would observe the sun to set over the cleftal horizon.
by ITMoss January 20, 2011
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While driving, the distance from an intersection with a light signal where you decide that regardless of what color the light is, you're not going to stop for that light.

The intersection horizon varies directly with both the speed or size of the vehicle.
Doesn't matter now. We've just passed the intersection horizon.
by Alfetta159 August 13, 2010
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A deviant sexual act whose name based on the exploding oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The act begins with a blumpkin (a blowjob on the male while the male defecates into a toilet bowl). In the midst of the act, one of the parties lights a match that causes an explosion from the burning methane.
I got that girl from the club to give me a blumpkin. Halfway through I went to light a cig and it caused an explosion like the Deepwater Horizon, dawg! It singed my ass hairs and almost blew up my toilet!
by JC Not Christ September 9, 2010
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A limit, where science has exhausted the interesting and useful things that can be done in a given field of study or technology. It is when further creative efforts begin producing mostly garbage, that the garbage horizon is reached. This reaching of the garbage horizon is the telltale sign that a field has matured, and that science is running out of useful new things to do in it. Like an event horizon, the garbage horizon is a boundary littered with spiraling trash, and from which no light escapes.
A patent search on engines reveals machines that have no clearly drawn means of extracting the heat and work, machines that are extraordinarily "busy" and probably don't work, and machines that have extraordinarily high contact pressures and would probably wear out very quickly when used, if they work at all. Most of this work is garbage. The rest is textbook stuff, the implementation of which is a matter of copy and paste, not the subject of new research. Hence, one concludes that the field of engines has reached a "Garbage Horizon".
by Stimpleton J Cat February 28, 2013
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