The true motivator of society. Also refers to a very strong feeling of animosity and resentment, often times leading to violence and atrocities.
Hitler encouraged his people to hate the Jews. He is often times regarded as a symbol of evil, even the Anti-Christ. But as for Germany, there was never EVER a time in its history when it was more united and PERFECT.

If Judea had hated the Romans badly enough, the land would have been freed and an autonomous state. But Jesus preached "love". The result: Judea (Israel) remained stuck in an empire for hundreds of years and now everybody and their grandmother believes in some hippie-looking mofo to be saved.

Billy hated Bob very much. His hatred motivated him to hack into Bob's computer, earn a higher position, and steal his online girlfriend. Bob committed suicide. Billy wins.

Muslim terrorists hate Americans. They have won cultural unity and are kicking American ass in Iraq. Go figure, huh?

Scrooge hates Christmas. Now he's saved up enough money to buy all the love, sex, and relationships he wants. Scrooge is the fucking man.

I refuse to be racist. I am above that. I hate everybody equally.
by BigBrotherMike December 11, 2006
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The strongest feeling that you can have towards someone or something, Next to love. An undying fire of rage in the pit of your stomach. 😤
1. I absolutely HATE that butthole!

2. Go to hell. I hate you!
3. Ugh i hate the new school uniform!
by TheQueen111 May 23, 2016
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I hate you because you searched up hate
by Jsjsmsj January 22, 2021
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1. (noun) Intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.

2. (verb) To feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
1. Hate is a bad thing.

2. I hate you!
by lovepeace February 8, 2012
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The process leading up to and at the point where a person can state about another person or group of people... "I don't care about anything that you love" yet continue thinking of them. Or an activity that persists in which a person is being irritated intentionally or intentionally hurt leading to a person to proclaim "I hate you" or the activity they are doing. Hate is equated with being the opposite of love, yet is an opposing of what another person loves or needs.
This is another terrible definition by Pro Thius... don't you hate it?
by BubbleBunch May 21, 2017
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