Usually used when cursing someone/something. However, it is also can be described as something awesome depends on the situation. "Gile Babi" often used by Malay people in Malaysia. Sometimes other races used the word too. It didn't matter you wearing hijab or not (for women). Or you cover your knee or not (for men). Still, everybody are allowed to cursing.
"Afiq, you buddy cool gile babi"

"My mum sporting gile babi"

"Kote/penis aku kecil gile babi"

"Aku rasa macam nak tampar muka kau yang gile babi tu"

"Aku yang pakai, kau yang panas gile babi kenapa ?"
by TomboyGirlSaid September 18, 2014
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hot ass hell redhead with different coloured doe eyes, blue and purple, a complection as pale as the moon, perfect skin, nice abs, muscular but not unnatractive arms and legs, and a super fine ass.mixed accent of british, and austrailian with slight touch of finnish. incredible singer, can switch voice from christina aguilara to hard rocker to joss stone anytime
sexiest voice in world. fluent in 15 languages
supergenius hacker
nice chest
no one compairs to her
by johnny so horny March 14, 2004
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farmer giles of ham is a charachter in a tolkien story, he accidentaly shoots a giant and so ends up being king, A dragon attacks and he must battle with it. He ends up not winning but figths again and makes an alliance with the dragon.
-farmer giles shot the giant, and was rewarded with caudimordax
by Matthew Turnbull December 9, 2006
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A boy that gets all the girls but is known as a shy and humble person. He is good at football while being at centre half and being 6ft.
There is Crispin Giles Gilbert he is very tall
by fotbf=erfd April 23, 2021
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Full of fake bitches who think they are popular and ugly ass boys
Damn that James Giles school is full of stupid bitches and ugly ass boys.
by Suck my hole October 8, 2019
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Kanil's best friend from 1st grade to high school. He is inhumanly strong, fast, and cool. He plays football, as well as hockey during the winter.
"Man, you suck Gile! Don't hurt me!"-Kanil. This might be in the new book coming out called KANIL!
by The Wraith October 5, 2003
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(Also abbreviated as GCHS)

1. A rat’s nest.

2. Located in Tennessee, Giles County High School is a place where bullying is common (and often encouraged by faculty); promiscuous behavior gets promotions; and all hope in humanity is sucked right out of any who enter it. It’s a disgustingly vile excuse for a high school. Faculty and everyone responsible for the school know this but simply turn a blind eye to it.

Pencils stuck in ceiling tiles, sexual harassment, and palm-sized roaches are common sights at GCHS.

A common sound heard at GCHS is the shriek of an educator who does not understand that when a school is as utterly filthy as GCHS, FOR SOME REASON test scores and morale parallel in being significantly low.

Ironically for a school, GCHS has very little class.

3. To execute an action with the most minimal of effort, in the worst way, with the least amount of forethought possible (commonly functions as a subject complement).
1. “Your homework for tonight is to read Robert Burns’s poem “To a Mouse.” This poem is a tale of a farmer who tragically destroys a GCHS while plowing a field.

2. “Damn, you go to Giles County High School?”

“Yeah, dawg. It sucks.”

3. “Hey, let’s rob a gas station with a toy gun! It would be so GCHS!”
by PlayerIHardlyKnowHer May 8, 2019
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