when someone is tricked or wants to look at someone's balls
guy 1: look at my finger

guy 2:ok

guy 1 puts his finger near his crotch.


guy 2 : damn!
by bubba ganooch June 15, 2009
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A homosexual male at an adjacent urinal whom you catch gazing at your flacid penis while you urinate in a public restroom.
The night was ruined by a flaming pack of cock gazers!

Some cock gazer visually accosted me, so I beat him over the head with his fagbag and then fucked his mother.

zoah is a cock gazer, but only because he constantly wonders what "normal" is like.
by Trumps December 3, 2003
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N. When a man is staring at another mans crotch in a homosexual way while the unsuspecting male is being victimized.
"Ah dude watch out for this meat gazer in the Cowboy's jersey."
by bobby dville October 9, 2007
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One who stares at a male's genitals.

Its origin may have come from the Cayman Islands from the legendary Richard Le Noir.
"Quitt" looking at my cock, you meat gazer
by Doolie May 5, 2004
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A male who peeks at another males genitals.
"Dude, I was in the can during intermission and the guy at the urinal beside me was a total CASTLE GAZER!"
by bryska February 6, 2006
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A person that only goes into the gym in order to have a social excuse to look at them selves in the mirror.

Typical behavior is a man doing curls while being 6 and 3/4 inches from the mirror staring at his self.

Also will lift up his shirt to see his "abs" or wink at himself
Potential douche bag lifting 6 and 3/4 inches from mirror

guy 1 " he is such a mirror gazer"

guy 2 "what do u mean?"

Newly realized douche bag lifts up his shirt and winks at himself

guy 2 "what a douche"
by Chakka13 August 11, 2010
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One who like to gaze at Man Meat.
Stagz McNasty is a meat gazer and scares women
by Pete October 13, 2003
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