Young person that does not work because they have trust funds.
Similar to Trustafarian
There were a number of successful young trusties’ posing as artists with there artwank. I wish they would do real art given that they don’t need a day job
by goatonfire January 8, 2005
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An online place where fundies hang out, often innapropriate to the place's intended purpose. Many times will infest a chat or message listing to make it their own fundie hole. A well known Fundie Hole is the "Post Your Thoughts" link in virtually any major AOL news story no matter what the subject or topic of the article. They are especially attracted to any scientific story to insult it and promote their own religious dogma, thereby turning the entire post section into a fundie hole.
marinebiologst22 - Hey, did you read the AOL news about that dolphin with the vestigial hind limb?"
Iluvcetaceans - Yah, I went into the message section but it was already a fundie hole and I couldn't sort out any serious posts.
marinebiologst22 - Geez. Fuckin' asswipes...
by Grafikman January 20, 2007
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The practice of intolerant religious fundamentalists (fundies)to type in ALL CAPS, frequently with poor or missing grammatical skills, in an online chat room or message posting, presumably proving their viewpoint superior to others.
Also can be used to ridicule others who inadvertently hit the Caps Lock key by accident and don't notice before they hit Enter.
Agnstic1: But there's no dispute in the scientific world about evolution.
Agnstic1: Ssiighhh...yeah. Whatever.

Bob1: So what happened after we hit the bar?
Bob1: Woah man, dropped into fundie mode there.
Dave2: Oops, lol. Hey, that BJ was worth all caps.
Bob1: lol
by Grafikman December 21, 2006
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Similar to a fundie christian, but instead of being a bible thumper who has a belief in God, is an atheist thumper who forces everyone around him/her to believe that God/Jesus/Satan/Heaven/Hell does not exist like he/she does, and that anyone who doesn't agree with his/her strict world view is comparable to a mentally challenged or psycholigically unbalanced person.
Fundie Atheist: Where are you going?

Christian: I'm going to church.

Fundie Atheist: Oh, going to listen to people preach how gays are evil, and that science is witchcraft?

Christian: No, I'm going to listen to people preach on how to be a kinder, more compassionate person, sing some lovely hymns, clap along, and then help with the charity drive for homeless people in third world countries.

Fundie Atheist: Open your eyes! God ain't real! It's all a crock of crap! Fairytales! It's a cult! Church teaches people nothing except how to hate and hurt others different from them!

Christian: Actually some of our congregation members are gay, and our charity drives are for helping people in need.

Fundie Atheist: You're still hurting people!

Christian: *rolls eyes* Look, believe or disbelieve whatever you want ok? But don't force your own world view down my throat ok? If you want to come and see for yourself, you are most welcome. Otherwise don't get on my case, please? Good day.

Fundie Atheist: Cult follower!

Christian: Get a life and a therapist, wacko.
by Gothicsnake December 22, 2012
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While intoxicated, an individual draws a face on their butt using the butthole for the mouth. Then proceeding to another subject, the individual gets their attention and then defecates uncontrollably making it look as if their anus were vomiting.
Sup bra im gonna go give them ol bur-ga-lers the ol fundy bundy!
by b00m&B4ng March 3, 2011
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fundi-mentalist, n - one who believes he is in direct mental communication with God, and thus speaks with His voice
Politicians of the conservative religious variety are typically among the most prominent fundi-mentalists on the planet.
by Karanakos Antonicus February 20, 2011
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religious droppings of Fundamental theorists; Religious right zealot bullshit.
It's difficult to clean your shoes after stepping into conservative fundie muck.

by follywood April 21, 2009
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