So wasted that your legs stop working and someone has to carry you home. And you cant see a fucking thing. And you dont remember anything the next day. In fact, your still drunk 3 days later.
"Yo!! Look at Jack! He's MAD FUGAZIED!!! He's passed out in the rain face down in a mud puddle!!"
by dirtyburgh6 December 10, 2009
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Vietnamese country band that does Minor Threat covers.
Yo, Fugazi rocks!
by Waiter room May 7, 2013
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Code word sometimes used by boyfriends while in the prescence of their own girlfriends to point out a hottie. Ther girlfriends think they are actually insulting some nasty skank and think it's funny.
by kaizersoze124 May 30, 2005
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You are who you are. Fuck anyone that doesn’t vibe with you. Fuck fakes! No fucks given
That kid is Fugazi. ( He doesn’t give a fuck)
by Just a regular bean November 9, 2017
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someone who is a big nerd, loser, or just all around really idiotic person
"did you just see the geek trip over his own feet?? what a fugazi..."
by big gay val April 14, 2006
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Foo-gah-zi 1.When someone or something shows straight signs of weakness and/or has many flaws. 2. Someone or something that you dislike very much much. Food. Fugazers. Fugaga. Gaze.
Mike V is fugazi.

That party last night was straight food.
Fuck that kid yo, that shit he did yesterday was fugaga.
by Dabos June 29, 2009
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