Along with the word Nazi is a word that used to mean an authoritarian & totalitarian form of government. These days it is mainly used by self-entitled, spoiled, millennial uni or college students when someone tells them no. The word has been so overused by these upper-middle-class pricecesses that it has lost all of it's impact and conversations about actual fascism no longer have any meaning.
Millenial:- Dad, my Mercedes is nearly 2 years old, can I have a new one?

Dad:- No, if you want a new car you'll have to save up and buy one yourself.

Millenial:- You're such a fascist dad, this house is worse than Nazi Germany.
by Anonymous Prime November 3, 2016
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The notion that one is the supreme and ultimate authority over themselves.
As an anarcho-fascist, I am my own Führer.
by SteamedHams May 16, 2018
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Although used on previous occasions by great scholars, such as on the TV debate between Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley, when Vidal accused Buckley of being a 'crypto-fascist', this term was made a popular insult amongst geeks by the BBC sitcom Red Dwarf.

A crypto-fascist is a 'hidden' supporter of fascism. It is only truly applicable to individuals, as by definition a mass movement of crypto-fascism ceases to be cryptological. That is to say, a crypto-fascist has ideologically totalitarian views, but has not yet found a movement which sufficiently reflects these views, and thus remains 'hidden'.
Young Lister: But I'm not into dosh, I hate money, I loathe possessions, It's just so... crypto-fascist.
Lister: Will you stop saying everything's crypto-fascist? You make me sound like I was a complete git!
by esterbuan tuero May 7, 2005
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Any evangelical, particularly of the Baptist faith, who advocates hatred of those who do not subscribe to the strictures of his or her own particular faith. Bapto-fascists are well known for being advocates of neoconservative platforms and frequently extol the benefits of gay-bashing and ethnic cleansing. Of course all of this nonsense is committed in the name of God and Jesus Christ.
The Reverend Tom Cangelo is a prime example of a Bapto-fascist; he hates anybody who doesn't vote Republican and thinks wiping out Muslims is a bad idea.
by Blenderhead1971 July 23, 2008
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One who corrects the grammar of all people, not just Jews and Gypsies.
The Grammar Fascist corrected me when I told him that I wanted to 'get an good grade' on the Spanish test.
by Diggity Monkeez February 3, 2005
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One who smokes canabis exclusively, abstaining from all other drugs.
Heroin makes you a loser, coke makes you an asshole, crack is just plain dumb. I'm afraid of acid, I hate liquor and I'm morally opposed to pills. I'm a weed fascist, and I love you.
by Teh Pope March 20, 2005
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Someone who thinks or speaks condescendingly to others who aren't as concerned with inches of muscle, percent body fat, Creatine, protein shakes or marathon running as s/he is.
"That guy's been staring at you for twenty minutes. You should say hi."

"Ugh. No."

"Why not? He's kinda cute."

"Look at him. I know he can't bench press his own body weight, so no thank you."

"Dude, don't be such a body fascist."
by StSean November 4, 2009
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