Person 1: "Why isn't he here? He said he would be here!"
Person 2: "He's such a fucking fake ass hoe."
by lmaoassbitch July 20, 2014
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Someone is fake when they like to u about something.Ass bitch is when they talk crap about u for saying sorry
Jenna is a fake ass bitch for lieing to be since day 1. Like u as a friend my ass
by Yourmom4937262839372 June 28, 2019
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A mom who never takes care of her kid. Yet, she puts her step-son, and husband on a pedestal. She would pay thousands of dollars for her step-son to please her husband, but her real daughter to her is just a bitch ass piece of trash that doesn't matter. Don't fucking consider this kind of mom a mom.
Person 1: _____ is a fucking fake ass mom. I heard she spend 2000 dollars on her step-son, for school clothes, and didn't get her daughter anything for school.

Person 2: What a bitch!
by anonymous-bitch August 12, 2018
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Generally someone that says they are one thing or believes a certain way, but actually does or acts the polar opposite.
Employee 1 - That girl in HR, Rebecca, is a Two Faced Fake Ass Bitch! she says she puts others before herself but she is constantly putting herself before and above everyone else, cant believe people are still falling for her shit.
Employee 2 - Yea I know Management cant seem to see through her facade, they need to get they eyes checked.
by idoit4dalulz July 16, 2015
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One who prentends to be from Africa over the internet in a atempt to score your credit card number. Usually your a 50+ year old man with no life and would give your soul for a pretty pussy in your face.
Fake-ass-african tried to get my credit card number and me being a dumbass gave her 10 bucks.
by Dr. nakanutzoff September 10, 2008
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One who prentends to be from Africa over the internet in a atempt to score your credit card number. Usually your a 50+ year old man with no life and would give your soul for a pretty pussy in your face.
Herb is involved with a fake ass African and doesn't have a clue. His life savings will be gone soon if he doesn't wake up from his sick old man fantasies.
by Dr. nakanutzoff September 10, 2008
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