Official Latin translation: terrible lizard
The Dinosaur T-Rex is the king of the tyrant lizards.
by Mercedes78 November 18, 2022
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An elite in halo that has an enomourse back to beat down, a head that sticks out that is easy to snipe, and just plainly the ugliest face in the world. They are mainly used by nubs and bks.

Dino for short
Dude i totally sniped that dino back there in the head what a nub.

Dude we have a dinosaur on our team! We are going to lose!
by FFA Trash August 3, 2007
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adj. = Any living thing or object that resembles or has evolved from dinosaurs.
Ooh, look at those tortoise. Don't they look dinosauric!
by Tiny Sian April 20, 2008
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dinosaurs are a myth. don't tell me your stoopid facts, DINASAURS ARE FAKE AND YOU KNOW IT!
person 1: lets go see some dinosaurs
person 2: how, they're a myth.
person 1: what do you mean? there is proof.
person 2: but, if there was a meteor, how weren't the bones destroyed?
person 1: OMG u changed my life around. I will never believe in those myth dinosaurs again
by yous3rname September 4, 2021
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Adj; Antiquated, Old, Low-Tech or Ancient
VCR's are dinosaur now that we have Blu-Ray DVD technology
by Shadow of Intent June 9, 2009
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The avocado of the prehistoric age. Green and often bumpy, the dinosaur means "Terrible Lizard". Just like the avocado; a terrible fruit. Dinosaurs are large reptiles, but many believe the CIA simply buried their bones to discourage time travel. It has worked, because obviously I haven't met Elvis yet. Curses.
I am not frightened of that 19 foot to 20 foot T-Rex dinosaur, because of its relatively stubby arms, despite its reptilian flare and tail intensity.
by Rawr Expert April 15, 2011
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Old men that check young girls out or hit on them.
Old man: Hey, would you like me to buy you a drink?

Young girl: Ew! Go away you dinosaur!
by pmgn January 15, 2010
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