This Emu has broke its Cunty
by MrEmu February 13, 2010
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(Adj:) Gay slang: used to express approval when something is cool or pretty dope.
“You said you just bought a new car?!? Cunty!”

“I just bought that new assassins creed with the dlc included!”

Forreal!?! Cunty!”
by Flaming-apricot September 22, 2018
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A endearing term for the lil bitches in your life. Not quite a cunt, but worse than just a bitch.
Mary: God...he is being such a cuntie today

Kylie: Yeah fuck that lil cuntie
by MMMBop69 April 16, 2015
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Etymology: Middle English cunte; akin to Middle Low German kunte female pudenda

1 generally obscene : a word expressing affection; showing a remarkable one of its kind.
Flood: Bin Ladin is such a cunt!

Jen: Eww, don't ever use that word around me. I hate that word.

Jaron: Cunty, Cunty, Cunty.

(Jen disgusted yet mildly amused gives Jaron the stare of vengeance.)

Jaron: Oh Cunty, come over here and cuddle with me and let me pet your head.

(Jen proceeds to go get mauled by Jaron)
by Jendo October 14, 2004
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let's go to the Thai shop and buy some cunty shrimp paste
by MrWordz January 25, 2004
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Cunty ~ When you ask someone if they are okay after there pissup the night before and you get blocked by that person.
Omg that was really cunty of her, Like you were only worried
by SpitYaNannysRightHandOutMaBum December 29, 2018
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