Synonymous with good, but crunchier.
"Whooaaa! That was a crunchy party!"
"Are you hearin' these crunchy tunes!?"
"Then we went back to my place and had come crunchy crunchy sex."
by 601ESTATE March 6, 2006
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when a guy's so hot/hard for a girl, he's crunchy.
ME: dayyyumm, emdog, that guy over there's crunchy for ya
EMDOG: pssh, well it's my birthday, so i might just take a bite outta him
by cclishzz June 19, 2008
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The way hard core punkers from the days of yore tune their guitars to sound like... Not to mention loud, too...
Those hard core punks who are setting up to jam have a really crunchy guitar and drum combo, man...
by J. Michael Reiter May 17, 2007
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The top-of-the-line compliment to categorize a person's/ an inanimated object's likability.
-Dude, where'd you get those sunglasses from?

-I found them on the floor in Home Depot

-Bro not going to lie, those are hella crunchy.

-Thanks man!
by CrunchyNotCrusty March 8, 2017
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Bruxism, or severe grinding of the jaw when under the influence of MDMA.
Matt: "How you feelin? You rollin'?
Chelsea: "Yeahhh...I have the crunchies bad!"
by Oobatzz March 7, 2010
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When there is one more hit in a bowl of marijuana.
Friend one: Hey brah! Lets smoke a bowl!
Friend two: Hell yeah! Let burn it down!
Friend one: Damn man, I don't know if there is another hit.
Friend two: Well push it down and see if it's still "crunchy"
by Architorcher September 6, 2010
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A sound made instead of laughter. The sound is a crackling noise and is usually accompanied with a fist over the mouth. It is key to identifying a proper runaway laugh.
LeCharles was so amused when Quafonda spilt her red drink, that his crunchie could be heard all throughout Circuit City from the break room.
by P. Heifner & S. Hardy August 21, 2008
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