When your vagina feels dusty and you could easily pick it off
Jade: Uh oh i've got vaginal crumble

Susie: You better buy some vaginal crumble cream
by Cainsyboy123 September 17, 2016
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A term invented by YouTuber 21Kiloton to describe a video game of exceedingly low quality.
Dave: Have you played Ghost Recon: Breakpoint yet?

Gary: No man. That game is total arse crumble.
by Fu[n]k My Life October 26, 2019
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Phrase used to describe a social situation that is especially uncomfortable and strange. Often used to exasperate the situation for added personal humor, or in casual conversation for acquisition of lolz.
I have to go to the bathroom, I have explosive diarrhea and... Well THIS is awkward and crumbly!"
by Well this is awkward... June 13, 2010
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Lady crumble is a thick cheddar build up in the labia comprised of dead skin , yeast and oat milk .
Hot dam Alyssa really has a thick patch of lady crumble built up on those nickers
by Ripe March 28, 2021
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Where shit drys in your ass after its been improperly wiped and when you scratch your ass it falls out like dust and it gets all over the place.
you fuckin arse you left bum crumble all over th toilet seat.
by Eliott Johnson June 2, 2007
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the shit left behind from lack of wipeage not well liked when trying to get the dupie from a female
Man, that bitch has poo crumbles don't get the dupie from her.
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To strike a women in the vaginal area with either your hand or foot.
Jen: "If you sleep with my man again I swear I will give you a cookie crumble that you won't be able to recover."
by blakkkkkkeeeeee September 12, 2007
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