crackheadedness is an upgrade to the word crackhead which is to measure how much of a crackhead ones self is.
a person who digs someone’s crackhead personality rather than crack cocaine. “You liked my crackheadness the other day”
by ShanMich December 15, 2020
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An adjective used to describe how much of a crackhead one is. Created by Brianna Countie in 2018.
by Crackhead P November 18, 2018
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A dumbass who has decided to take the white substance to get high as fuck. Crackheads are mostly homeless people who lost their jobs and beg for money so they can get more of that crack.
Did you see that Guy he is such a crackhead.
by SN1PE TECHO on YT January 22, 2020
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An individual who has partaken in illegal activities involving narcotics (specifically crack). A common sight in urban environments, crackheads are identifiable by their poor hygiene and excessive profanity in public. While irritable by nature, crackheads are very much so skittish, becoming quite agitated at signs of authority figures. Crackheads can be found travelling alone or in groups, though depending on which their behavior varies. While solitary and shy when by themselves, when they are in the company of another crackhead, they become quite boisterous and obnoxious, discussing pointless subjects in an unreasonably loud and profane manner. Crackheads can most commonly be found in areas that offer goods or services for cheap, as most of their welfare check is used to get their next score. These areas include, but are not limited to: Walmart, gas stations, the public bus, and McDonalds. It is currently believed that crackheads are a less-developed relative of the crackfiend.

While not inherently aggressive, it is still not advised to make direct contact with crackheads, as they can easily be aggravated to profane swearing and talking about how people don't know the "struggle" like they do. If forced to confront one, avoid direct eye contact, and quickly find a way to break interaction. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to converse with them, as they take this as a sign of invitation to relentlessly pester you with nonsensical issues.
I was leading an expedition through Walmart when I accidentally stumbled upon a pack of crackheads. Fortunately, I was able to steer clear and lead my group to safety at the checkout isle.
by ModernWumbologist December 18, 2018
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A user of cocaine (crack)

always high, laughs at the air like a complete retard.
Example: Ava Svenlid

Person One: Do you Ava Svenlid?
Person Two: Oh yeah, Shes a total crackhead bro!
by oZerum March 26, 2019
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A person who literally lives for crack. All of the crackheads are lead by their powerful leader captain crackhead who is the lord of crack.
Damn bro you such a crackhead. Wait hold up is that captain crackhead. Let’s fuck captain crackhead.
by Proffesor_Nut October 22, 2019
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