Like "more cowbell", but twice as good, due to the 'moar'.
(More cowbell has often been used in reference to the situation with Will Ferrel, but in all actually, it's just another way to say "awesome".)
You have just shot some poor n00b's head off in a game that you know you probably play far too much, and someone on your team says "moar cowbell!", likely in all caps, with multiple explanation points, to declare your nerdy awesomeness.
by L0stKn1gHt January 23, 2009
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1. The only way a song can reach perfection
2. Everything needs more cowbell, NO EXCEPTIONS.
3. Christopher Walken's greatest line from SNL, it is UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLY funny
by Jewfro man December 11, 2009
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1) an element of music synonymous with more rocking.
2) an increase in rockage.
If this single is going to go gold, we're going to need more cowbell.
by HermaphroGreg July 27, 2004
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From the satirical Saturday Night Live sketch featuring Will Ferrell, now used as a way to tell someone when something they did was good, but just not quite right. The phrase "more cowbell" works to express this mild dissatisfaction in a variety of settings.
At a steakhouse "how was your meal?" It was ok, but could have used just a little more cowbell.

"Eh, that ,movie wasn't bad. But really could have used some more cowbell."

"That was a good blowjob honey, but really could have used some more cowbell"
by Ralph Malloy August 10, 2010
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In contradiction to the phrase "more cowbell." This expression means "tone it down a little," especially in reference to jewelry, (hair)style, cologne, etc. Too much "pimp."
Check out that dumbass walking in the door: overboard on the Armani and the gold jewelry. Less cowbell, man!
by Timbotron June 13, 2007
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Generally speaking, when it becomes apparent that either a person or group of people need to step up their game.
If we're going to kick the crap out of those guys in HR at this year's softball tournament, we're gonna need more cowbell!
by Pants Vader November 28, 2007
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