Losing the ability to poop when you lose that home field advantage.

May be a result of changes in eating and drinking habits, elevation, fiber intake, stress, etc.

Vacation constipation is usually followed by a glacier dump.
I'm having a horrible case of vacation constipation...can't wait to get back home and drop a couple belt notches.
by nofx9019 September 6, 2010
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Verbal constipation is when you have a lot on your mind to say but you ether don't have the courage to say it or simply choose not to. Verbal constipation when pent up can cause depression, stress, anger and self doubt ETC.
Shane: Hey did Alex ever get that stuff off his chest to Danielle?

Josiah: No he has verbal constipation man... He haven't said a word and he is really down on himself.
by Oglefro July 5, 2013
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An inability to articulate one's thoughts or ideas, resulting in significant psychological distress and frustration.

Typically, this form of cognitive impaction is self-resolving. However, in cases where productive interchange with the afflicted is urgently needed, a deadline may be administered; indeed, this has proven to be one of the most effective treatments for stubborn cases of mental constipation.
Mark: "So, you know, it's like... uh, er... damn, you know, that, uh... thing!"
Dave: "Yeesh. It's too bad that they don't make a laxative for mental constipation!"
by Joshua B. Wright April 5, 2004
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The act of completely forgetting the name of an actor, song, book, movie or name of anything that one is generally familiar with. The "on-the-tip-of-my-tongue" phenomenon. The 'mind-burp' is the moment of relief, the actual recall. i.e., "Aha! I got it! I remember!"
The movie buff had a bad case of "cerebral constipation" as he choked under pressure when the cute waitress asked him for the name of his favorite romantic comedy.
by ZonaCat Hansen July 11, 2008
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The "musical" genre in which the lead vocalist or singer sounds as though they are straining to make a huge shit, which ironically is often what their music is.
-Did you buy the new constipation rock album by Nickelback?
-No. I'm a self-respecting human being.
by Jeff in Austin September 12, 2012
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The 'Constipated Mouse' is a sound effect achieved by yelling a long 'aahh!', in a more high-pitched voice from the top of your throat; a baby-voice or childish voice while making the Constipated Mouse noise is also required. It is also possible to speak in this mouse voice. When you are making this effect, just imagine a simple mouse trying to force a bowel movement out on his tiny, porcelain toilet.

This sound is very useful in intense situations, such as a murderer entering your house.
*Murderer breaks lock open on front door*.
Resident: "Aahh!" *In the Constipated Mouse voice*.
Murderer: "What the hell is that?"
Resident: "It's our constipated mouse, you better get the f*ck outta here before he takes a poop all over your God damn face... uh-oh, here he comes!"

Chris: "Aah!" *In the Constipated Mouse voice*.
Nick: "Haha! That sounds like a constipated mouse!"
Chris: "God damn it," *In the Constipated Mouse voice*.
by The Oddly Moustached Cat August 1, 2010
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Someone who is mentally incapable of thinking for himself. Someone who has shit for brains but can't even use the shit.
Hey that guy has shit for brains. No he doesn't it's worse he is intellectually constipated .
by Anton Doos January 22, 2016
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