Refers to a form of natural contraception called the pull out method but in this instance when the male is nearing ejaculation intead of pulling out his penis like he and his partner agreed, he slaps her tits and ejaculates deep within her
Jenny: "How on earth did you get pregnant"
Jacky: "My boyfriend preformed the art of coitus interslaptits perfectly "

Boyfriend: "Coitus interslaptits?" Also means
Girlfriend: "Coitus interslaptits!" I love you
by RhinoIV November 12, 2014
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To have a break from sex, derived from the two words coitus and hiatus.
I'm not sexually frustrated, my man-parts are simply on coitus hiatus
by phatguy July 3, 2005
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1.The time period right after ejaculation into a female.
Guy 1: Last night, I skeeted on Mayra after 5 minutes.
Guy 2: Aww shit dude
Guy 1: Man, that was the longest post-coitus silence ever!
by vote_4_pedro987 October 15, 2005
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Usually used were you have a older teacher that has a dan sedin/gordon freeman goatee and doesn't know how to use newer technology/gadgets.
Alex : My woodshop teacher sure is a coitus bellows, he looks like daniel sedin.
Gordon : Yah i seen him earlier, he couldn't even turn on his windows 98 computer!
Alex : LOL!
by TheJizzards June 26, 2011
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(noun) being in a state of continually regretting a lapse in sexual judgment (EX: walk of shame)
"When I think about Vidal, I have an overwhelming sense of coitus regretus and want to forget it ever happened."
by Holly M S May 22, 2010
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Sinus and Coitus are two very important functions in mathematics. The derivative (which gives the slope of a function at the point) of sinus is coitus. And the derivative of coitus is coitus interruptus, because you need to interrupt the function to measure its slope. Usually people will look at you really weird when you use those terms, because they are not used such high mathematics.
Person 1: Mathematics homeworks was really hard last night. The sinus and coitus excercises were kind of tricky, but coitus interruptus? Nah man. I went to sleep early and decided to finish coitus interruptus later
Person 2: wtf?
by SKYNET853 October 3, 2022
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