The act of going down on a woman while she is menstruating
After I finished chumming on this chick I looked like Bozo the clown
by teabagger2 July 13, 2005
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the most fucking stupid show that nickelodian has squeezed out their ass yet. the characters look like pieces of shit that have been reanimated, and its crappy animation anyway. it is largely unfunny and very sad. this is by far one of the worst shows nickelodian has come up with yet, and i saw icarly. anyone who says this show is funny obviously has now idea what good humor is, and should have hot metal rods forced up their assholes until they come out their mouths.
is that hanna montana singing justin beiber's songs?
no, its fanboy and chum chum
by gordak1 June 4, 2010
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A reference to the menstrual discharge that a woman emits during her period. AKA Period blood
I was fucking this girl when she was on the rag the other night and when I pulled my dick out, it was covered in that nasty whore's chum.
by MochaUGA September 7, 2006
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The best sketch performed by TVs Ant and Dec, back when SMTV live was still showing Saturday mornings on ITV. It was a parody of the hit american sitcom Friends to the extreme, poking fun at the show whenever possible, right down to the title music.
To be remembered.
"Wanna go watch chums?"
"Can't, those idiots down at ITV HQ cancelled it."
by Stanggman November 21, 2005
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verb. to vomit overboard where people are fishing. see also blow chunks toss nuggets
dont be too hungover on a fishin trip or we will have to put you in charge of chumming.
by dave4817 December 4, 2003
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