A situation where something is rotten in the state of Denmark, your jester is clearly dead, or your uncle has clearly murdered your dad and married your mom.
Horatio: Dude, is this Yorick?!
Steve: Shit ... I didn't order this Hamlet-n-cheese sandwich!
by ThingNamer2000 September 20, 2016
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An adjective describing a hot and georgeous female!
Hey Jessie!

What Ricky?

Man I saw this bad as brazilian girl

at the mall yesterday!

Oh yeah she was looking that good?

Oh yeah she was looking like a bacon egg and cheese sandwich
by unkownalister November 10, 2013
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n: what happens when a girl with roast beef curtains and a boy with an uncircumsized penis have sex. His dick cheese mixes with her roast beef curtains.Throw 2 buns on it and you got a roast beef and dick cheese sandwich!
Dude, Brandon and Shaquisha hooked up last night...they made a roast beef and dick cheese sandwich!
by BlackOutCrew January 14, 2008
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A cheese sandwich that pairs most excellently with watching the Bill and Ted series.

White Bread
Craft Cheese Singles

Place a slice of bread in the center of a microwave safe plate, add 1 slice of cheese, add 1 slice of bread. Repeat until you have a 4 tier tower of bread and cheese.

Microwave on high until the cheese melts and you have a soggy tower of cheese and bread.

I’ll be god damned if I don’t eat a mother fucking Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure Cheese Sandwich every time I watch Bill and Ted!
by FreeGuitarLessons August 28, 2020
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The person who gets caught in the middle, or pulls everything together.
My sister is the cheese in the sandwich in our family.
by kellbell1 February 22, 2010
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Describing someone who is the filling of the sandwich; the person who keeps a friendship or family together or someone who spices something up a little, a bit adventurous
by virgin media.c0m November 22, 2020
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"Grilled Cheese Obama Sandwich" comes from the latin words of "Homo Capti in Caseo", wich roughly translates to "Obama in Cheese".
"Grilled Cheese Obama Sandwich" is a tradicional food eaten in The United States of America to celebrate the precidency of the first Irish American President.
"Grilled Cheese Obama Sandwich" is a highly chaloracly dense food, at about 7000 calories per sandwich.
"No, really, i can't eat this Grilled Cheese Obama Sandwich or i'm gonna get a heart attack!
by Luk2 December 28, 2022
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