(n) The action describing hitting a person's buttocks repeatedly with one's fists. See also: cannonize, cannonation, cannonization
Watch out, or she will bring the wrath of the Cannonator on you.
by L. Fullz July 23, 2006
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When you see a sexy female and you want to say something but you don't because you don't want to get shot down in front of people or shot down period.

When you freeze up and don't know how to act when you see a gorgeous girl you even start acting a bit nerdy as a side effect.
Girl walks past you, shes the most beautiful girl you have ever seen,then The Cannon comes in where you turn stare smile throw a head nod and then turn around and don't do anything.

Girl walks past sexy as can be, you turn see her and then start rattling off math or scientific terms that pushes her away causing The Cannon.
by KiDLazY April 12, 2011
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The act of taking a large dump in a female`s vagina then proceeding to use your fist and or penis to pack the fecal mass deep inside the cavity.
Jill was feeling very creative last night, so we did the cannon.
by Lando Comando 25 November 26, 2008
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It is a thing that is real, that happened.
"Adora is gay! It´s cannon!Just look at her wikipedia page"
"If you say that this isn´t cannon one more time we will have an serious problem"
by ramudxs September 22, 2020
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The person doesn't mean it
Josh says,"i love you.", he don't mean it. So he says, "Cannon!"
by mizzsweethoney1 May 2, 2008
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