A word you use to describe someone who says or does stupid things but thinks it’s totally normal.
Parker: I can’t believe that Ico told Sophie we were using her for her friends!
Aidan: I know, he’s such a brick.
by Donkey AIDS October 27, 2019
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When someone uses this Pittsburgh slang brick or the brick, it means that a female has a large ASS! Big booty knock you down like a BRICK type of ASS.
"Dammmnnn, she got the brick!" or "She got a brick on her."
by Stunt Man July 10, 2020
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For a long time. Staying somewhere for a very long time.
Jimmy is going to be at the store for a brick.
by Apple juice and croissants December 31, 2018
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When one's electronic equipment ceases to function almost entirely due to faulty hardware, glichey update, or a poorly executed attempt at modding.
See also "brick"
1: Frank's computer was bricked when the power lines outside were struck by lightening.
2: On December 31 of 2008 all the 30gb Zunes were bricked because of an internal clock glitch.
3: My cell phone was bricked when I fell in that puddle.

4: To brick
Jim's trying to overclock his CPU. I keep telling him he's going to brick the whole the.
by Magnoodle January 1, 2009
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a pound of the bess shit on the earth *weed*
yo i got a brick, MAN!
by Jen December 23, 2003
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The act of Bricking and Electronic Device occurs when the Firmware or BIOS has been Corrupted or when improperly installing Hardware, this includes soldering. Any of which will render the Device unable to boot.

Bricking can occur When: Installing the wrong firmware; Power loss during a Firmware or BIOS update; Poor Hardware connections; Installation of firmware that is infected with a computer virus.

Partial Bricking: This term refers to a Device that has the potential to boot but is disabled due to Bad, Previously Stored Information, or Corrupted Temporary Files written to the Devices Flash Memory (RAM).


Un-Bricking: Once a Device has been Bricked it will not be able to Boot until Corrupted Data has been removed and the proper data replaced. Since the device can not boot this means it must be done manually. This includes Removing and Replacing/Soldering Chipsets. Generally a Device is considered forever useless once it has been bricked, This is because your average electronic user lacks the knowledge and tools to repair electronic devices.

Un-Bricking of a Partially Bricked Device: If the Device is only Partially Bricked there are a number of tricks that may restore the Device. Such as: A few shut downs and reboots; Manually Reseting the BIOS, this may be done on the Devices Motherboard if availible; A series of Keystrokes has also been known to remedy some Cases; Removing the Power Source from the Device for a period of time.
I used a Hack Program to try to Downgrade my PSP and it Bricked.
by Zachry Diehl January 10, 2007
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