when your arse decides to make the noise that should have left your mouth,after a large swig of stella.
by seanyboy August 2, 2003
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Ring sting caused by eating a balti, which is a pakistani type of curry
I went to Adils last night for a chilli balti, went to the bog this morning and I have balti botty.
by Kenwarks January 17, 2008
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when something is below expectation

used to express annoyance
rob gets killed by george playing halo when rob has a shotgun and george has a pistol

jordan: "rob, that was utter botty"
by thejackofhearts November 30, 2009
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Is a term used to describe Bots in video games. The gaming term was coined in 2020 by YouTube gamer 2centgamer.
That's not a real player/human. It's a bot, also known as a botty boy.
by oOBlunderOo October 26, 2020
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It's a load of botty chunder!
by Ian Chode September 17, 2003
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