Usually on Xbox 360, is a way gamers use to obtain several achievements in a short period of time by using teamwork, glitching, or whatever means necessary to accomplish diffcult achievement criteria.
friend1: Man i need at least 1000 kills on this game for the achievement but its taking too long, what should we do?

friend2: Easy! We can invite all of my friends to join a match. They can just sit there while u kill them over and over for easy kills!

friend1: So you mean boosting?

friend2: Yup my friends have all the achievements anyway!
by SpazPownrOr7z December 21, 2012
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Bangin drink from riverside/delran area. usually in a slush form. Or the very popular Half and Half (Half regular and half slush)
by boost man May 24, 2010
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when something is untrue.

bob: yo, I just boned that chick last night.
earl: yo, dawg thats a boost.

sam: at home I have like 10 X boxes il give u one for 5 bones.
fred: why r u boosting
by smagmar June 6, 2009
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To be extremely intoxicated or high; under the influence of a substance that causes happiness


Guy 1: "That girl is such a bitch."
Guy 2: "looks like she needs to get boosted!"
by Kronos_660 July 24, 2014
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Any Beverage that makes your day easier- ie alcohol-mylanta-coffee etc
Eric-oh shit brah i had a rough night

Rory-no problem Breh, i got all the fixins for bloody marys
Eric-ahh thanks for the boost bro
by drwu March 5, 2011
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1) Term for turbocharging a car.

2) Adjective for how much PSI a turbo is utilizing
1) Yeah, I was thinking of going boost for my GSR instead of all-motor.

2) That RX-7 is probably boosting around 18 PSI with that turbo timer.
by m April 24, 2005
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