An alternative name of King K. Rool's neutral B attack in the popular game {Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, as suggested by YouTuber MagikarpUsedFly. The original name was "Blunderbuss", but the change was made for comedic effect.
MagikarpUsedFly: You see, the Blunder Buss Bitch Blast is one of the greatest moves in the game. You shoot out the slowest projectile in the game, and still somehow manage to hit your opponent.
by Husbando-Sama January 27, 2019
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A rare situation in chess where castling kingside may lead to an inescapable mate in 1
"I was playing a game of chess against a player when I castled 'O-O' blundering 'Mate in 1' by accident"
by RahandG November 7, 2022
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A group of more than 2 interns is referred to (often by managers) as a blunder of interns, because of their enormous propensity for incomparable failure.
We were ahead of schedule and under budget until summer break started and a blunder of interns showed up.
by TwinInDisguise April 18, 2019
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A blunder so extreme that all hope, pride and integrity has been lost for the individual that has committed the action. A Mizzy blunder may lead to friends and family losing respect for you and turn you into the laughing stock of any social group.
How are you gonna turn down that hot girl, that was such a Mizzy blunder!
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It's when you're sitting on the edge of a Lake and you look to your right and see a small Canoe and you can almost see that there is a hole in the bottom of it somewhere but you're not too worried because it's obviously not fully submerged so you clean out the dirt and get into it without paddles, somehow make it to the middle of the Lake and then start to sink and panic because you're not in a Lake but in a shark pond.
When i evaluate my life, i can fully admit most of it has been spent blundering.
by Crispyshelbycake January 27, 2021
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When an artist is recognized for only one song, and that song failed in the sense that it's only enjoyed ironically or as a torture device
Rick Astley, Smash Mouth, and Darude could each be considered a one-hit blunder
by FresnoNightcrawler June 25, 2019
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