1 - The act of sending repeated text messages and phone calls to a friend.
2- A popular phone prank service used to get revenge on your friends.
How can i get back at my friend?

Easy, just blow up the phone, dude!
by adlc84 October 25, 2018
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To wreak havoc on a toilet (preferably someone else’s) by taking a monster shit, often of the explosive diarrhea variety, with extreme force. Past tense: Blew up the Can.
Jay: “Every time I go over to Ethan’s house, I blow up the can after dinner. I don’t think his parents are ever gonna let me come back again.”

Larry: “Susan let me stay over last night and this morning I totally blew up the can. Now she won’t return my calls.”
by Mr Mucho Macho October 25, 2020
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When a girl gives you head while your dick is wrapped in a fruit roll up
Shawty: "I don't want to give you head. Your dick tastes bad!"
Bro: "What if I wrap it in a fruit roll up?"
Shawty: "Oh hell yes! I'll give you a fruit blow up whenever you want!"
by I Hump Llamas March 1, 2017
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the cheap substitute for a date, usually considered better in bed because they lie perfectly still and never get their partner and them selves caught by moaning loudly.*note biting the blow up doll on the shoulder during sex is not advised due to the chances that u will pop ur "partner"*
Instead of dating real girls Jason took to sleeping with blow up dolls.
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Originated from the state of New Jersey often worn by club going males. Consists of of extreme fade from bald on sides to 3 inches of lenth on top. Often accompanied by ICE PICKS, extreme fake tan, Armani exchange shirts, and sunglasses indoors. Hair is usually dripping with over abundance of hair gel. Most Blow Up Cuts roam the streets of New Jersey.
DAMN Fabrizio!! Your Blow Up Cut is Crazy tonight!
by Mark08 March 10, 2006
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Something that, after viewing V for Vendetta, one may be inclined to talk about doing. Usually said person has no real political agenda, they just thought the movie scene was badass and would enjoy partaking in an equally cinematic experience. Though one may talk about blowing up Parliment, or even amass a group of people to do so, it is unlikely they will ever carry out their plans for fear of life in jail.
Tim saw V for Vendetta, and for a few days, he seemed preoccupied with the idea of blowing up Parliment. Upon eventually realizing that this action would not be as badass as in the movie and that it would ruin his life, Tim stopped recruiting people to fly to London and purchase C4 from the black market.
by 720mgSTEEEVE December 1, 2009
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Pull apart the labia and blow into the vagina, then pinch it closed. Stand off to the side and release the lips. If it sputters, throw her back. If it whistles, she is a keeper.
Hey Randy, you ever blow up a pussy? Yes Bob. Why do you think I married your daughter!
by Ass Biscuit December 1, 2007
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