A school in England with a full on pop A vs pop B football league. Filled with um.. people (some orange some not)
Person 1: You following the st ambrose Barlow football league

Person 2: yeah up the pop B
by Moonbob January 18, 2020
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A marijuana cigarette rolled from 12 rolling papers usually rolled by a mystical shaman before embarking on a fantastical journey through time and space.
"It's time to roll up a last one, and set a course for the land beyond. It's time to roll up a 12 skin barlow, light it up in the sky"
-Naboo the Enigma
by formula420 February 10, 2010
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I shit hole with lots of orange people there is also a man called Eugene who will chase u around the school also daddy duff will throw his custard cream shoes at ur head if u let someone in the door at lunch but don’t go in the extension toilets coz u will get dragged into some yr 9 rap video or will get a lung disease

From the vapes
Person 1 - what’s school u go

Person 2 - st Ambrose Barlow

Person 1- what a shit hole
by Hehdheuehehbdjdjfud March 26, 2023
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Being nice to someone even when they are mean to you. Generally being a good person even when things are bad.
by BMsGs November 29, 2022
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Co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and well known (no pun intended) activist/poet/essayist/lyricist for the band the Grateful Dead. His works include many articles, essays, and speeches on digital freedom, and the many injustices of the government against the computing community. Among his most notable exploits, he has been a fellow at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and he was at one time a good friend of John F. Kennedy Jr.
Anyone who says they are against large corporations or the government monopolizing copyright and freedom of expression should look up John Perry Barlow's "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace", among his many other works on the subject
by Zeldafan177 January 9, 2010
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The fucking worst place in the world. Nobody likes anyone. Nothing happens. 1 or 2 fights per year. 10 non white kids per grade if you're lucky. Shitty ass walls that looks like someone painted it all pink, then shit and pissed on the whole thing.
Me: "I go to Joel Barlow High School."
Rest of Fairfield County: "Poor ass bitch."
by Fuck_Connecticut May 9, 2016
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Situated in Redding, CT this high school is made up of the Easton and Redding kids, because both towns are basically too small to have their own place. School spirit is at an all time low, and doesn’t seem like we’ll start yelling ‘Barlow’s got the Power’ with our disliked cheerleaders until our athletics shape up and everyone come down from their high or sobers up a little bit. If you ask a Barlow kid what they listen to, most likely they will either say Dave Matthews Band or, if they think they are scene, From First to Last or Bleed the Dream.

The school has this wonderful tendency to be really weird. The walls for instance, are pink splattered paint that is sometimes known as “pig vomit paint”. Also, if you are looking for the record holder of pulled fire alarms in one year, you may want to check out Barlow. Those who were in the school in 2004-2005 will remember the ‘mercury spill’ when the whole school was denied lunch because someone spilt a little mercury on the floor near the cafeteria.
Joel Barlow High School kid 1: oh my god, I'm so high right now, the stuff on the walls are moving!

Kid 2: dude, I'm not high, but I think they might be....

by jbhs08! June 24, 2006
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