A term used to describe pretentious indie kids, generally redheads or other incredibly ugly/skinny kids who listen to the whatever the latest shit indie band is and take heaps of fucked up drugs and think they're the shit. These kids are really only in it for the image and wouldn't know good music if it kicked them in the balls.
Quick you gotta listen to this new band dude, it'll up your arty cred points!

Yeah he goes op-shopping for his clothes. He's so Arty Cred.
by CaliforniaPunk88 September 21, 2009
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nickname for the most awesome man in the whole entire world. used to describe a man who, on the outward appearance, is a scary military man, but on the inside is a cuddly, lovable, giggly pile of fluff
"That airmen is kinda scary looking, with his 'I will kill you' expression."

"Oh don't mind him, he's really just an Artie Bear."
by MayMay27 September 26, 2009
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Funny ass fat fuck from Jersy. Might have a small drinking problem, minor gambling problem.
did you see Arty drinking Jack and betting on the WNBA the other night? What a sad sack.
by masshole617 June 16, 2004
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A dirty Artis is when, a man tucks his cock between his own arse cheeks and cums. Whilst being spanked furiously to make his cheeks like a latvian flag.
I was so lonely I did a Dirty Artis last night..
by Definitely not Greisa May 12, 2023
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When you collect you juicy Sharts and use them as a paint in an art installation.
Carl pulled an unexpected Arty Sharty while making his painting.
by LankaLiyanapatharangeLicker November 8, 2021
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1. someone who thinks they know a lot about art

2. crafty trousers

3. creative heavy breathing
Marie: Picasso is sooooo overrated. I prefer the juxtaposed dichotomies of Marden's self referential formative work.
Antoine: mmm hhmmmm. How do you figure that Miss Arty Pants?

Ooooooo... embroidery. I love your arty pants!

Marie decided to experiment during sex with Antoine and expressed her satisfaction with a chorus of moans and arty pants.
by mshell April 9, 2007
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