Someone intensely tied to the Zoom platform, often students who have no say in the technology used to put classrooms online.
Mom: Hey Danny come to the kitchen it's time for lunch!
Danny: I can't, I'm in class over Zoom .
Mom: Okay Zoomer. Come get your lunch when you're done. Back in my day, we used to get lunch from the school and eat it in the cafeteria.
Danny: Ok Boomer.
by Another_Guy April 4, 2021
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Contrary to some other definitions here, "zoomer" does NOT refer to Generation Z. It's the evolution of the term "boomer", for whom lifestyles and values are completely different from the late '50s and '60s. Whereas this generation previously aged in a sedentary context, they are now vibrant, active, busy -- and not set to retire at 65 as in days of yore. They in essence "zoom" now, so this is the term applied to them. It has nothing to do with the static, lethargic, vapid lifestyles of Generation Z.
Zoomers in their 50s, 60s and 70s are much more active in the gym these days.
by Vocabulary Victory March 25, 2019
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1. A Gen Z who supports boomers A.K.A fucking idiots
2. A name that boomers use to name gen z’s, in vain of gen z’s calling them boomers
Boomer: Ok, Zoomer
by Biggerest Balls November 10, 2019
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when zoomer fard
when zoomer fard
by l'irvine4808 March 8, 2022
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a word that discribes the sound u make when u move really fast
by peach March 23, 2004
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Zoomers are very epic. They eat gushers, play Minecraft, watch Pewdiepie, and other cool shit. They most likely have tiktok and are with the trends. Zoomers are better than any generation because we’re just so epic. Zoomers watch the office, eat Mac and cheese, drink grape juice, and are addicted to YouTube. Zoomers are the future of the world
Boomer: wait so what’s a Minecraft

Zoomer: okay boomer.
by Hohnrv November 12, 2019
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