1) The first star system to be found containing intelligent creatures. The intelligent creatures are the Greys. They were more advanced than us and had been in space, traveling around in flying saucers and visiting systems. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here with all these cool gadgets and gizmos. They visited our ape ancestors at about 2.5 million years ago. The Greys abducted our ancestors and they probed them, then genetically modified them so that they will become intelligent creatures. Then the Greys visited Egypt 1,000 years ago. They claimed that they made this world. Then they went to a house and said to a couple that they are given strength to rule Egypt as pharaoh and queen. The same thing happened to other famous empires on Earth. They abducted two people about 100 years ago. They were probed and were given a mind map of the planets the Greys have visited. The two people were then interrogated by the police. One of them, Betty, drew a map of the systems the Greys had visited. It was until a few decades later, when an astronomer found out that it was real. He said that the Greys' homeworld is located in the system of Reticulum.

Guy: Do you believe in aliens?
Astronomer: Yes, and I have proof. Look into my telescope and you'll see Zeta Reticuli, the first star system to be found containing alien, intelligent life.
by World of Wordcraft October 4, 2014
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Masculinist theory designing a stand-alone category in the structure of male dominance. In this theory, the males are divided in several categories including mainly Alphas (dominant), Betas (second) and Omegas (dominated) depending on their ability to pick a woman or their supposed status before a woman.
The Zetas are thought as independent outsiders that do not let themselves be defined by women's relationship to them. They are characterised by that refusal along with the rejection of traditionalism and any relationship in which they may be dominated, but not in which they may dominate.

Seemingly a "third way" for many men that suffers from the alpha/omega dynamic, this theory supposes that men should be free and bold in their way of living, independently to women who would be an evil agent of a power structure they seek to get rid off. However, this is very damaging to the average male since this attitude can only single him out, feed him with the fantasy of a world in which women are a completely outside force of their life or create a toxic masculinity which only results in toxic social relations.
Chad is such an alpha, but all he thinks about is women. I'm a zeta male, I can live without them and just pick one up occasionally.
That guy is such a beta, it sucks to be alpha-orbiting. I'm a zeta male, I can live without being entitled to an alpha and get all the women.

Brad decided to act more like a zeta male recently.
- How's it holding up ?
- I don't know, some girls thought he became some kind of an individualistic feminist when he explained it; but really it's the same as before but he does not look his crush in the eyes anymore.
by Katurha May 11, 2018
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1. A sorority with a bunch of spoiled, loose chicks who want to fuck everything in sight, but who you shouldn't fuck unless you want your dick to fall off due to the vast range of venerial diseases you would contract. Many are too fat to be reasonable to look at, but a few are kinda hot, and that is how they draw you in.

2. Known as the turtles--"Once you're on your back, you're fucked."

3. I once dated a Delta Zeta who said that although she loved her sorority, she felt she was above their sluttiness. Then she fucked her sorority sister's fiance. That taught me that the things I heard about them were true.
1. First guy: Man, I was so drunk last night, I fucked an easy DZ.
Second guy: That sucks. Was she hot though?
First guy: Under a deuce, but my dick fell off.

2. Easy DZ 1: Oops! I knocked the table upside down!
Easy DZs 2-5: *fucking table legs* That's ok! We haven't had sex in nearly half an hour!
Easy DZs 1-70: *sing song about all the fraternities whose members they have given syphilis*

3. I once gave a Delta Zeta a rose.....and she slit my throat with the thorns.....just to watch me die.
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n. Tha dopest 10 girls yall will ever meet.
zeta class are the best kids in the world.
by Anonymous March 5, 2003
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Zeta Reticuli, also called the Grays, are humanoid, gray Extraterrestrials from Zeta Reticuli or Orion. Some of them abduct, and there are reported cases of abduction. Some of them serve the light.
The CIA has contact with the Zeta Reticulians
by t00c00lforscho00l April 10, 2022
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delta zeta’s are gorgeous classy ladies with lots of friends. they are known for being passionate and kind. they look like money, but are down to earth!
“omg! that girl is so pretty!” “oh her, she’s a dz.”

i wanna be a delta zeta too!”
by steadfastprincess September 7, 2023
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The sorority on campus known for sleeping around with any frat boy who will pay attention to them, and for the various diseases that inhabit their rancid vaginae. These girls are only in college for the purpose of partying and to find more guys to have sex with. Also known as the "Easy DZs"
Frat boy 1: We invited the Delta Zeta girls to our party tonight.
Frat boy 1: Well, we're sure to get laid, but you better book some appointments at the clinic tomorrow. We'll need antibiotics.
by keepyourclotheson December 24, 2010
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