Name for an Indian / Sub-Continental man generaly with bad body odour, and western desires, and expressions.

Like an Indian Nigger!

"Hey kumar, come over here ya curry!!"

"Do you know Sanjay?"
"No, who?"
"You know, the fat smelly Curry"
by Rohanananan October 16, 2005
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An Overweight person usually seen with a wad of chewing tobacco in his lower lip. This "curry" likes to drive and on certain occasions can drink in access of over 17 beers.

He is also an quick thinker and has many inventions to his name.
"Hey look at that curry!"
"Yeah, he must be drunk."
by sweatyfarts May 10, 2010
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Yes this is a persons real name. I know. Don't get to upset though because she's pretty darn awesome!!! She's so pretty and tall. Great at sports. Loves Disney. If you mess with her she'll Beat your little white butt. Her volleyball skill are A1 and her smile can light up the room. Also, she's probably allergic to the real curry.
"Hey editors, can you put Curry in Urban Dictionary? Pretty please?"
by Helloitsyourgirl89 March 9, 2019
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some punkass bitch that likes to talk shit and steal people's girlfriends away from them
Yea, Curry needs his ass kicked today
by urbestwhodi February 17, 2005
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An indiviual of sub-continental descent eg. Sri Lankan, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi. Will usually have strong curry powder mixed with body oddur stench following them. Will generally think because they are black they emmediately become negros and enjoy telling bullshit stories. Famous for infesting many countries in particular England and Australia.
White person: So what u get up to this weekend Ghandhi?
Curry: Me and my otha nigga bloodz popped some cripz
White person: Shut the hell up u stupid curry!!!
by UdZ November 13, 2005
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1) A reference to a female of Indian descent.

2) A reference to the genitalia of an Indian female.
Check out Sajani! That curry bitch is HOT.


Dude, your girl Taj is fine, but she seems uptight. Has she given up the curry yet?
by Jordan in Atlanta September 9, 2007
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i have heard of two kinds of curry: Indian and Jamaican
Indian curry tastes... weird. its good, but its feels slimey. my main issue: smells like shit! i cant take that strong, nasty ass smell that Guyanese/Indian (cant tell the difference even though they live only in queens)
Jamaican curry tastes much better and is not basically drunk like the Indians do it its used like bbq sauce. the best part is no revolting smell!
mmmmmmmmm curry chicken (not chicken curry)

get the fuck away from me asshole you smell like your house: curry
by Z3r0s3volution May 20, 2009
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