When someone is walking as if they need to go to the toilet to pee.
After a drinks night out, Chris found himself walking down home but couldn't walk straight and had to resort to wee-wee walking.
by Spartacus23 November 11, 2010
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A Teepee that the indians used as a toilet.
When Custard came across the plains, the indians had scattered, all that was left was the wee wee teepee that the general obliged himself to use.
by jeffbo June 9, 2009
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i jus went n had a wee wee spank. it done me good
by w00t72 March 18, 2005
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A wee wee that is big
Girl 1: We hooked up he had a big wee wee.
Girl 2: Man I wish I had a big wee wee to suck on right now.
by KoolAss12YearOld April 28, 2018
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A person, generally, but not exclusively identifying with the indie rock sub culture, who is overly nice and sensetive to the point of being percieved as fake, in a blatant attempt to gain acceptance. The men can often be identified by their clothing, which frequently consists of bad rock band t-shirts, girls jeans, wallet chains, and knit scarves in inappropriately warm weather.
That guy at the bar was such a wee wee face. I'm glad he bought me a beer, I just wished he would have shut up about his friends noisebrock band!
by Bosco057 April 22, 2012
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You stick your wee in, you stick your wee wee out,
Pull her pants down and you eat her all out,
You do the 69er and Fuck her till she shouts,
Thats what its all about!
Boy; Wanna fuck tonight?
Girl; can you teach me to sex?
Boy; yeah just follow the Wee Wee song!
Girl; mmm id love to have sex(:
by T-Dog and P-Daddy February 18, 2011
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