soemthing you cannot use when a person tells you that they like you and then you tell them that you dont soooo
then the person gets pissed (because you cant lead in someone and then expect them to act irrelevant) and you reverse them
by vcsodscobadapisco October 7, 2019
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On October 21, any time someone says they will do something to you, you can say "but it's National UNO reverse card day" and they must either do it to themselves or claim "but it's National UNO reverse card day" back. In the scenario the last person to say "but it's National UNO reverse card day" before the end of October 21 is the one to receive the action in the end.
Wizard: I'm gonna punch your face!
Bard: But it's National UNO reverse card day.
Wizard: Dies of 1d4 punched self in face damage.
by EchoTheMythical October 21, 2021
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This blocks any kind of roast (including no u). It can be said by a person, but also brought out with a reverse uno card.
Person 1: Ur mom gae lel
Person 2: No u
Person 1: *brings out reverse uno card*
Person 2: Oh no, i'm adopted
by Aquaffinity August 19, 2019
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A trick pulled in which you and your partner switch sex positions unexpectedly.
Guy 1: Yo did you smash Jackie
Guy 2: Yeah but she pulled a reverse uno card while I was on top of her smh
Guy 1: lmaooo
by NUTCHEESE December 1, 2017
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Statement- (1)To uno reverse a bitch is when one decides to play a reverse card in the game Uno in order to change direction in the game (2) When a person uses karma to beat the fuck out of a bitch who thought they ate, well no bitch they didn't and you too can uno reverse a bitch.
"What the fuck???I'm going to Uno reverse that bitch!!"
by weed_deew August 24, 2022
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When a guy finishes in a girl right before she squirts and she projectile squirts the cum back at him.
"Hey I heard you fucked Trinity, how did that go?"
"Man I'm never doing that again, she pulled the White Uno Reverse on me. Shit was nasty"
by Whiteunomaster December 14, 2022
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The Uno reverse card meme trend began around May 10, 2018 when a user linked Uno to the existing "No U" meme. It was a natural fit given that "No U" is an anagram of "Uno." From there, users on the Internet transformed the "No U" Uno card meme into the Uno reverse card meme and hilarity ensued.
Bill:U fat
Jack:*uses uno reverse card*
Bill:Oh no im fat now
by JasonHW November 9, 2021
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