A poo toucher is a person who likes to touch male poo his erect penis while it is still in the owners ass.

ps.. They are sick fucks
see sick fuck
some cory kid from sparwood likes to touch his volleyball playing friends poo with his penis
by recktum November 4, 2004
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A turd that pokes out of your bunghole far enough to touch your drawers.
Man, do I need to toss a pooch -- I feel a cotton-toucher moving around down there!
by mangus June 21, 2005
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Someone who touches penises and rock hard phallic looking objects, this means there a serial wanker, gaylord or whatever that makes sense. You may also have statues of Penises in your abode.
doodle toucher ding dong penis twinky toucher doodle dick mans junk
by MrKnow2011 February 3, 2011
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a deragatory term used to describe someone that touches a hole. can be iterechanged for terms such as asshole and douche bag.
what up you fuckin' hole touchers.
by the mad November 22, 2007
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When someone is so impatient at the buffet line that they keep crossing and touching other people's tongs.
That chubby tong toucher was acting like it was the last supper and the food was going to run out.
by Kajungold March 29, 2018
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Someone who touches and/or has sex with multiple penises within a short period of time.
"So how many guys have you been with this week, Gabi?"

"3 lol.... wait 4..... maybe 5"
"Oh hunni you're a penis toucher"
by Mio L Van December 9, 2018
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one whom likes to touch a man's peepee; a pervert; common title used to call upon an annoying lady
"One dollar make you holler!"
"Hey, peepee toucher, how long will that take?"
"Look at that peepee toucher. She's been talking on the phone that loud since i walked in half an hour ago!"
by The Scottish Muffinman November 26, 2009
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