Descriptive Noun

Tired, over-used description of idle rich suburban white kids wearing over-sized jeans, ganky sport shirts, gold chains and condom-style ski-caps while driving around in Daddy's Beemer because they think it makes them cool different and above all black.

Thug Lie is more accurate.

See also wigger,falsetto cool,hat-'tard, eminem, and niggese
Robert used to be a unique individual 'til he started watching MTV Raps and decided that with his pale skin, freckles, blue eyes and red hair, he was perfect for the Thug Life.
by Dan January 15, 2004
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A life os senseless violence and self-destruction.
If you want to live a hard thug life, something is wrong with you.
by Scyfersythe December 28, 2007
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(adj.) used to describe a person who makes decisions based on his/her own moral code, without taking the advice of others into consideration. If you're living thug life, you're out to get yours!
Joe: "Hey, so you have English with Mrs. McElroy. How is that?"
Susan: "She's thinks she's so great! She's assigns detention like she's giving out awards, she eavesdrops on our conversations, and she snitches on us every chance she gets! We warned her to check herself, but she doesn't care!"
Joe: "Yeah, I heard she's thug life."
by ognaturegirl November 8, 2009
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One who lives by the concept of thugganomics.
by BIG THUG September 2, 2003
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A life with drugs thugging and gangs
that boy lives a thug life
by cjas December 11, 2003
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living the life of a thug, keepin it gully with no frontin
by thug October 10, 2003
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peter piper, ross, cold stone creamery, swasted, no underwear, or bras, late night porn, too much booty for one man to handle, dance parties at red lights, shopping, walmart junk food shopping spreees, dipping oreos in ice cream, chocolate covered strawberries, eating a whole jar of pickles, puking into a empty beer box, strobe lights, deck parties, hyphy, cabo san lucas, lap dances, pavlov, maxximo, huge nipples, chocolate fountains, wifi at peterpiper, fake moustaches, outside malls, five dollar sunglasses, butterscotch brownies, rock climbing with your personal belayer, cosmic bowling, drunk text, walking it out, attempting to walk it out, being fly 24/7
courtney-"can i thug life it?"
thugs-"we'll think about it"
Courtney-"can you teach me how to be a thug?"
by TaylorJessicaJillian July 11, 2008
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