A libertarian is consdiered to be the "classic liberal" (i.e. the true american who believes in the principles this country was founded upon---private ownership and individual rights). What is an American, you ask? An American is a man who accepts others with open arms, who lets others live as they please because he expects the same respect from them. An American is a man who knows his rights, and defends them, but more importantly knows and respects the rights of his fellow man. An American is a man with honor and modesty, not a man who boasts his superiority over others. An American is a man who knows that his rights end where the rights of others begin, and that ALL men are created equal under whatever God he worships.
A libertarian passed by me the other day and gave me a dirty look, so I went into his home and stole all his property, seeing as how I'm an IRS agent and can legally get away theft.
by Michael Badnarik (not really) September 20, 2004
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Someone who takes care of a library and helps people find books.
Dude 1:The new school libertarian is awesome!
Dude 2: Uhh... don't you mean librarian?
Dude 1: Oh, yeah of course.
by Vocallyconfused June 21, 2010
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Literaly "one who supports freedom"

Common Uses:

1. First recorded use in medieval theological debates to mean someone who believed in human free will.

2. First political usage in 19th century france as a euphemism for anarchist when anarchist publications were banned.

3. Used since the mid 19th century onwards to diferentiate their proposed economic systems from those of classic socialists (ie libertarian communism, libertarian socialism etc). Worldwide this remains the most common use today.

4. Used since the mid-late 20th century to describe an extreme proponent of the free market. This use is almost unheard of outside the united states and canada.
It's real strange how these american radical capitalists use the word libertarian, seeing as how in the rest of the world it is usually followed by the word communist
by slothboy October 14, 2006
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Liberals who are gun lovers and hate poor people. They are economicaly conservative and socialy liberal.
"John used to be a liberal, but now he is a NRA nutjob, he's such a libertarian."

by hippie_man_420 April 24, 2007
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Derived from the word “liberty,” a Libertarian is someone who advocates individual liberties.
Libertarians believe that individuals have the right to make their own choices, as long as it doesn’t harm oneself or other people. Libertarians generally believe in having a small, de-centralized form of government with limited taxation to give the people reign over his or her activities. These types of individuals usually regard issues such as health care, education, etc., as the responsibility of the individual and not of the state. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are well known Libertarians.
by Dancing with Fire December 10, 2012
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The party the other controlling party (the government) doesn't want America's people to know about. Why do you think you NEVER hear any truth in the media about them? The sheeple think there are two parties but there's really only one with 2 faces and no real differences. The only freedom endording party is the Libertarian Party. ONLY libertarianism promotes the identical government this country was created under. Most Americans are brainwashed that this government program or another is going to help them and at best it helps them live in poverty. Which govt. program wouldn't you trade for never again having to pay income taxes? Why didn't we notice our freedoms being stolen? Listen to my man James.
Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.
James Madison
by Radracer April 23, 2005
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A libertarian is someone who believes wholeheartedly in the rights and freedoms of all people, so long as those rights and freedoms don't cost the libertarian a dime or inconvenience him in any way.
Get your crippo ass up those stairs yourself, cos my tax dollars ain't paying for no ramp. I'm a libertarian.
by Barry Convex December 23, 2006
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