A pocket-sized runt with humongous feet. Ears which are pointy, this suggests that Hobbits were actually meant to be elves ...but whoever created these creatures appearently ran out of material.
Legolas is one elf short of a Hobbit.
by Tressia June 8, 2004
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Skullfucking a hobbit or another person of small stature
Thom gave Rhod a good hobbiting; his eye socket was sore for weeks
by Fredster C June 13, 2008
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Offensive term for a small gay person, derived from the JRR Tolkein book Lord of the Rings in which sam and frodo seem to become rather fond of one another...
Dwarfism + Gay bar = Hobbit
by NakedSnake March 5, 2005
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When you are playing basketball and someone jumps up to try and block your shot but you just juke them out and make them jump up for no reason while you drive the ball into the lane and score.
Dude, you just got hobbited!
by Popovich2 January 5, 2011
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Hobbit, v: to bring futile and destructive industrial action at the last minute.
It would be reassuring if the Council of Trade Unions would confirm now that it will not Hobbit the Rugby World Cup.
by GollumMyPrecioooouuuuus October 28, 2010
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- an imaginary being similar to a person but smaller and with hairy feet; invented by J.R.R. Tolkien

- Ted Thomaidis

"You better not be calling me a HOBBIT!!"
by The Hobbit @ GMAIL May 1, 2008
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"Aragorn can we stop for second midday lunch? We just finished smoking and we are hungry."
"Damn Hobbit, stop smoking your pipeweed!!"
"But we were Hobbiting this morning!!!"
by Captain Jim T. Rustles November 14, 2013
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