Another way of saying, “good.”
(Im not lunmite, im her fan)
“It’s ok, we’re all Gucci.” -lunmite
by The Big Mine June 24, 2019
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Bob: How was the carnival
Me: Yo that joint was Gucci bruh
by Justj123 February 26, 2018
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Adjective used to describe something amazing or the substitute for ok.
1. thats a really gucci car you have there.
2. gucci lets go to the mall.
by WibWib December 21, 2017
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Very very dank clothing items that are too expensive
by PhoenySplash28 December 15, 2016
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To get extremely fucked up, especially from smoking large quantities of stanky mary J haha... (Can also be used for drinking)
Yo man I just got some stanky kush bro, let's go get guccied!
by purplekush420 August 28, 2010
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Crystal-meth:This word was started in Austin texas as code word for ice.It caught on quik after members of the Asian community co-signed on it . EX: this is some goo sheet (good shit)say it again and you got gucci.Gucci is a designer name so it was considered an upgrade for dope fiends that graduated too ice from crack(coke)
Let me get 2 zones of that gucci and 1 kill.
That gucci a mf it pays 3x more than dat hard
You seen gooch?
by jdeedas July 8, 2006
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A stupid ass iFunny user who thinks he's funny because he reposts hate and post nudes ruining his chance to ever become a CIA agent. Also has a micropenis.
by ImUnderaged November 3, 2016
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